Thursday, 2 July 2015

Lie to Me

As someone who constantly studies how people interact, facial expressions are something I pay close attention to. Combined with the words people choose, how they speak them, and larger body language, you can learn a lot about a person without actually knowing them personally. There are obviously variations on these things between each person, but there are also many expressions that are universal. They apply to everyone, regardless of gender, race, culture, or age.

You may be asking why I'm talking about this on my TV and Movie post. There is a show that I really enjoy called Lie To Me. It's centred around a group of consultants that help people and organizations solve problems. They do this through their specialization in knowing how people act and speak, and how that correlates with telling the truth or lying.

The characters are witty and personable (and one is British, for you accent junkies out there). As the seasons progress, the characters grow in meaningful ways and you can easily grow attached to some of their personalities. The science behind the show is fairly easy to get behind, and is accurate as far as I can tell. Be warned, you'll start calling out your friends on manipulators and false answers after watching this show. Issues and crisis that occur each episode are interesting, and usually leave you guessing until near the end of the episode.

Seriously, check this show out. It's smart, funny, and interesting. What more could you want?


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