Wednesday, 3 June 2015

One Corner of the Internet

Now, to be fair, Youtube isn't exactly a dark corner of the internet. There are a lot of piano playing kittens, dogs that can't catch, and unfortunate souls being kicked in the groin. You can get to some pretty weird stuff if you stay in the "Related" tab rabbit hole for long enough. After a large amount of thinking about what the hell I was going to write about today, I decided that the answer was right in front of me. Literally. I've had Youtube open pretty much all day, listening to music.

One aspect of this blog is to show people what I think is cool (Poros), and this Youtube channel is something I love to follow. Instalock is a group of three young guys who decided that they wanted to make parodies of popular music, themed around the video game League of Legends. I personally love the game, and have no idea what popular is doing anymore. So when I came across this channel, I probably watched all of their videos in one day. They are musically quite talented and their wordplay is clever, nodding to both the original song and the game at the same time. I often find myself hearing a song on the radio that everyone else knows, but I sing the Instalock lyrics instead. While amusing for me, I probably confuse the crap out of people around me.

If you play League of Legends (Which you should), the videos are doubly impressive. You can often relate to the situations in the videos and there are lots of little things you would only appreciate if you were interested in the game. An example of this is the fact that they hide a Teemo in every video. That said, even those who don't play the game can appreciate the musical abilities of these guys.

Also, one of them just got engaged. To a gamer girl. Lucky bugger.

Let me know what you think of Instalock in the comments below! Or leave a suggestion of another random piece of Youtube you think others should heck out.


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