Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Titles Are Important

There's a number of things I'd like to talk about today. The first being that I am going to split up the pictures I have been embedding into my posts. That way, if you just like Plantie, or random Poros, you can just look at those without having to scroll through my rantings.

The second thing I'd like to discuss is the name of this blog. It is called Repetitive Motions, and I chose that name because of how things in life tend to go. One of my passions is tea, and the process of making it is quite ritualistic (considering there are ceremonies based around it, that isn't too surprising). Certain steps followed in order, performed in similar ways. Another big aspect of my life is music. I'm working towards becoming a music teacher, and I specialize in percussion instruments. This particular branch of musical instruments is massive when it comes to gear and techniques you can learn. BUT, at it's core, there are basics that you apply to most areas. And honestly, nothing is more repetitive than practicing doubles on snare drum for an hour.
There are many aspects of life that could be quite monotonous if you let them. The things you love can become boring if you don't find ways to maintain your passion for them. Making the same pot of tea, every day, the same way, could be taken in two ways. It's either a comfortable tradition you can depend on, or a rut that you lay in without progressing. Realizing the difference between the two is probably on the list of the most important things you will learn in life (Pushes glasses up my very unexperienced nose).

Now, so far this blog has just been a way for me to dump out what's on my brain at the time. I have no idea how many of the views I've received are actually interested in my thoughts or just misclicks. So, in an effort to include the peoples of the internet, I open myself up to you all. Leave me questions in the comments of a post, tell me how a story relates to you (or doesn't), suggest future topics for post, art you'd like to share. WHATEVER. I'm interested in your lives. Truly.



edit: The irony of this post is that I forgot to put the title on it before posting it originally... I'm so good at this!

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