Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Everything is Awful and I'm Not Okay

But really, I'm doing really well right now.

Anyway, today's cool internet thingy is going to be a little different. Tuesday's have honestly been one of the harder days for me to come up with topics, so I'm broadening the spectrum to include cool bits of media that I've found on the internet. One such cool thing I've found is a small piece of advice that honestly can help you through some shitty days. It honestly is just a list of obvious questions and answers, but in life, common sense is getting rarer. As well, it can be the right little reminder if you're struggling, feeling depressed, or anything that's got you down.

For those of you who hate Google, here's a shot of the sheet. I also have no idea how long it will stay up, so if you'd like the original copy, try the link below.
Self Care on Google Drive

JUST DO IT (Insert flexing arms here)


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