Saturday 13 June 2015

Seeing Yourself

Something that I've noticed as I get older is that I see myself in more and more places. I don't mean literally, like my world is becoming filled with mirrors (that would be super creepy). I mean that I see my personality and mannerisms in people younger than myself. I see people who are still a teenager doing something, and remember when I was that age, and did the same kind of thing.

For example, a younger coworker of mine tries incredibly hard to be funny and to make people laugh. Once he finds a joke that works once, he tramples it into the ground trying to keep it funny. I remember doing that exact kind of thing when I was younger, and received an interesting perspective on how other people have viewed me throughout my life. I see how I used to be more annoying, invasive of people's space, argumentative, and show off-y. Now, that isn't to say that the people I see these traits in now are bad people. It just gives me the insight to understand why they behave this way. Having this to look back on has made me more patient with others. I realize that people act this way for acceptance, and having me shun them for being immature would be cruel. That would mean I am shunning them simply for acting how they think they should to receive accreditation from others.

Before you tell someone to go away, that they're annoying, think back to how you acted when you were their age. If they're older than you, think how you want others to see you when you reach their age. Hopefully it'll help make you a little more tolerant, and give more people a smile instead of a scowl.


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